All posts by Giullari

Raccolta fondi COVID19

In questa situazione di emergenza anche noi ci sentiamo in dovere di fare qualcosa e come sempre lo facciamo localmente.
Vogliamo contribuire all’acquisto del materiale necessario per l’assistenza dei contagiati, in particolare:

– Dispositivi di Protezione Individuale quali mascherine, camici sterili, occhiali e visiere protettive
– Ventilatori
– Caschi per la ventilazione non invasiva
– Pulsossimetri

Potete versare la cifra che vi sembra più opportuna, non esiste un minimo. Tutto fa e tutto sarà apprezzato.
Chi ci conosce sa quanto seria è la nostra Associazione e quanto teniamo alla gente!

L’ Associazione di Volontariato i Giullari in collaborazione con l’Ospe… I GIULLARI needs your support for Aiutiamo a RESPIRARE! Ospedale S. Stefano di Prato

Little Free Library

For the inauguration event of the Leopoldo II bridge (Poggio a Caiano, Prato), I Giullari also wanted to give their small but significant contribution: a Little Free Library.

The first Little Free Library was born in the United States in 2009 and they have gradually spread worldwide. Today there are thousands of Little Free Libraries around the world and it is also possible to register their location on the official website: find us here (

Our small library has been placed near the bridge and the stone bench that surrounds a beautiful tree. The motto is “Take a book, share a book” and we would like that it will become a meeting and cultural point for the people and children.


Another edition of “Assedio alla Villa” has come to an end.

It is always a blast for us, as you can read below from the words of one of us, Lorenzo.

“Another Assedio alla Villa is gone. At the end of this event the body needs to rest, but unfortunately there is no time for this! On the other hand, the heart and mind are full of intense moments that are worth the discussion with the family and the partner about the evening spent for the assembly/disassembly of the stand.

It is not only for “I Giullari “that I am happy, but for all those people who have spent their time helping us. You know how to donate money is already rare, but giving your time is moving, you can’t deny it.

The Assedio alla Villa has the power to let you be a child again, building a castle just for 3 days and afterwards quickly disassemble it because of the daily-routine that knocks on the your door. We are a concrete reality for Poggio and we are open to share and develop ideas to help people who have had some problems along their lives, also because returning to similarity with the Children, when someone needs help, support comes, without mincing words, in life you never know how it turns. ”

Thanks to all the participants and to all those who believe in this dream that has already become a reality.

Photos of the event on our FaceBook page.

Medicean Marathon

Saturday, April 20th 2019 the Giullari organized the Medicean Marathon in collaboration with ASD Iolo runners: 2 routes (4km & 9km) and a beautiful run/walk with the Villa Medicea as start and end point, passing through the “Cascine di Tavola” and the “Parco del Bargo”.

Loads of participants!

We thank the Misericordia of Poggio a Caiano for first aid assistance and Municipality of Poggio a Caiano for the patronage and collaboration.